Tuesday 18 June 2024



It was somewhere around a quarter to eight this morning when I woke up and became aware that Shirley's eight month long cough had turned into a deeply worrying rasp that didn't let her sleep for more than ten minutes a night and being a kind, caring, compassionate man, always putting her comfort before my own, I reached out a hand to place gently on her hip to let her know that I understood her distress !

Unfortunately on its journey across the six foot void of our very wide bed my hand got caught up in the soft folds of the quilt and sort of shot forward and punched her on her bum whereupon she instantly leapt like a scalded cat and from four feet above the mattress screamed down at me hurling plenty of other quite unkind phrases from her surprisingly wide knowledge of foul expressions before she landed still screaming and waking up the couple in the next room who lay quaking, not daring to come and see if they could help !

Trying to shush and calm her didn't work and frankly never has so instead I reenacted her reaction to her until she had actually properly woken up and started laughing !

Making her laugh has always been the way to dispel her naturally violent and totally unreasonable reaction to any 'emergency' and I dread the day I lose my touch as she WILL kill me !

We eventually laughed about things as we drove with our friends across the private grounds at Balmoral Castle and whilst she regaled them with tales of many other diabolical reactions to me I hatched a plan to visit the stables and see if they have a severed horses head for a real laugh tonight !

It has been brought to my attention that my hand did NOT punch Shirley on the bum but crept creepily up her leg in the manner of a pervert, or indeed a wild snake or highly bristled hedge dwelling creature whilst she was deeply asleep for the first time in forty years experiencing highly realistic visions of men sitting on her chest preventing her from breathing and being assailed by fears that she was late for school and that no-one had woken our youngest son for his tour of duty in Iraq which he actually managed to report in for in 2006 ! 

Saturday 9 March 2024


 It's not like I hadn't mentioned it to whichever doctor or practice nurse I eventually managed to see after three hours on hold; for years before my gall bladder tried to explode and I was told it was too far gone to operate, before they pumped me full of stuff and operated !

It's right there and I'd point at about the right hand side of my stomach !

So three weeks ago I pointed again and got asked for a 'stool sample' by the TWO doctors who examined me, to see if the problem was bacterial and three weeks later after being repeatedly told the result wasn't back yet I started phoning the three laboratories that it might have been sent to only to be told they'd nothing with my name on it !

"I'll mention it to the doctor in four days when she's back", the receptionist said when I phoned yesterday for the fifth time, "and you'll probably have to provide another sample."

"But do you have some sort of record on your computer that my stool sample was collected from your surgery after your receptionist took it from me and placed it in a sample receptacle ?" I asked agitatedly !

"Yes", she said peering at her screen, there it is and yes it was collected and delivered !

"So where IS my stool sample !" I wasn't whimpering as such but I felt quite emotionally attached to it by then !

I dealt with all this frankly embarrassing search for my stool sample as if I wasn't at all humiliated and should have been pleased when I got phoned back in very short order and informed that my stool sample was negative and that I should make an appointment with the doctor to start a new line of enquiry !

But I wonder if they REALLY found my stool sample or did they decide to simply fob me off ?

Anyway, I was trying to tell my son and daughter-in-law about it when my wife and I visited this afternoon and for some reason they all found it very funny, as did my grandsons and we all dissolved into uncontrollable heaps of tears and hysterical laughter at my plight !

Good for the soul really !

Wednesday 20 September 2023


 I drove home starving after five hours with grandchildren, having actually NOT eaten the dinner made for me ! It was all vegetables, something men just don't see the need for, roasted in oil with ends burnt into little jaw-breaking boulders that I would have spat out if I didn't love eating charcoal so much.

I have only not eaten my lunch on three occasions in fifty years and I think on one of those I was the cook !

I had driven home the shortest route according to my mansense, getting caught caught at every traffic light going and Shirley, determined to prove me wrong commanded my attention whilst she demonstrated on Google Maps the various options and in fact she was right, I had driven an extra and unnecessary 0.4 of a mile !

Her Ipad was in one hand and a spatula was in the other reheating a mountain of lunchtime's leftover vegetables which I dreaded getting offered again and said so !

"Well you'll just have to find yourself something !" she hissed at my downturned mouth as I stood looking at her food preparations, "It's OK, I'll have peanut butter sandwiches once you're out of the way." I said as genially as possible, knowing that if I wasn't genial in tone (the only one of the two of us too scared not to be) then she'd go mealy mouthed about the amount of toothpaste I'd used or the noise I'd made turning the bathroom light on with the window open letting in the moths that make her life a nightmare !

She stood staring in disbelief as I buttered my snack and gasped,"FOUR bits and you won't need butter if you're having peanut butter !" (she'd forgotten after a lifetime of calling slices of bread 'slices' that they weren't called 'bits') and tutting loudly as I reached for the salt which I like to smother my peanut butter with she took her disgusting vegetables thankfully out of my sight !

As you can see, there's barely a crumb left !

Tuesday 19 September 2023



The answer is 'Every day and every time I go through one' !

Nothing matters to me, none of the minutiae of life that so bothers my wife and I presume all wives !

My breathing doesn't bother me, my snoring doesn't bother me, my pulling the quilt off her doesn't bother me, cleaning my teeth with the door open doesn't bother me, how much water I put in the kettle to make a cup of coffee doesn't bother me and leaving the kettle under the cupboard whilst it boils doesn't bother me !

Not carrying my dinner plate to the sink doesn't bother me and leaving dregs in my coffee mug doesn't bother me, or the slurp marks around the rim !

Running the cold water in the kitchen too fast and too early in the day doesn't bother me and shutting myself away in my room for fifteen hours a day doesn't bother me !

But they all seem to bother if not downright irritate Shirley though I don't know why, oh and she doesn't like my talking too loudly on the few occasions that I do talk !

And then there's the doors !

I have sort of listened to how each one should be left during he day or during the night, according to the temperature, the airflow and whether or not the sun is shining.

This is a particularly troublesome feature in our static caravan with the additional problem that the main bathroom has what's called a 'Jack and Jill' set of TWO doors opening into it, one from the hall and one from her bedroom !

I'm supposed to leave the one from her bedroom open on a sunny morning though I forget what I'm supposed to do with the main door into her bedroom from the hall or the one from the hall into my little prison cell !

You see, they all bang into one another all the time and I have to have a 'fitting' on mine to stop it closing completely during the day, I think, or is it to stop me dying from heat exhaustion at night.

Her main door has to be closed at night for privacy and her bathroom door pulled tight to to keep out the light from the street light half a mile away !

At night I have to use 'her' bathroom down the corridor and not flush the chain in case a neighbour twelve caravans along should be a light sleeper and get woken by it !

Now back at home her bedroom door has to be not quite closed and the bathroom door pulled not quite closed so that light from passing ships doesn't disturb her !

I'm not actually allowed to use the bathroom at night in case I wake someone in Marbella and I fear going in there even during the day in case I forget to put the soap back on the upturned rusting coiled metal egg cup that stops it turning to mush on the sink and which a new bar is impossible to balance on without being 'screwed' onto it !

Downstairs is another minefield of door positions both during the day and night and I'm now too worn out to even think about what I'm supposed to do with them...I think it's three quarters open at night if the temperature is over 9*C for the kitchen one and fully open for the hall one or is it the other way round ?

Thursday 10 August 2023


 We were walking past a mess of a garden that a woman had made out of lines of old wellies, worn out crates, bits of tables, rusted bikes, broken doors and unmatched pots filled with anaemic weeds when Shirley said in a doom-filled voice embellished by a recent glimpse into heart failure, "That's what you'll turn our garden into when I'm gone !" and not wishing to cheer her up in any way I replied, "Well, at least you won't be here to see it !" and we walked on in companionable silence, each thinking dark thoughts about the other...well I think she was about me as I was immediately thinking of writing this !

Saturday 1 July 2023


 I was just about to do something really lovely in a dream when Shirley destroyed everything !

"David, David, OI DAVID ! Erkser ipinder tp !"

"Yerk erkn twer, what ?" I finally managed to answer !

"I said, there's a drip in the kitchen tap and it's going to cost HUNDREDS of pounds in wasted metered water if you don't get up IMMEDIATELY and do something about it !"

I instantly became fully conscious and manly, leapt out of bed and stood legs and arms akimbo, ready to dash off and fix whatever was wrong, however difficult the task !

"Show me the tap my lovely and stand back !" I commanded, twirling my whiskers whilst raising my left eyebrow in a high arch displaying my competence in all DIY matters !

"Oh for God's sake put something on first !" she responded through clenched teeth whilst trying not to retch !

I saw, I thought and I responded, leapt for my car keys and shouting, "SCREWFIX AND BEYOND !" disappeared in a flash of masculinity !

"GOOD GOD !" she gasped when I returned within the hour, "find no-one to talk to ?"

So I turned off the water, shut off the valve next to the immersion heater in the airing cupboard though I didn't know why I was doing that, knelt down to remove the old tap and was stopped in my tracks because I didn't have a set of box spanners to get up into the almost impossible place to undo the nut that I had forgotten holds it in place !

"Well why HAVEN'T you got a set of box spanners ?" every neighbour heard Shirley shout, "You've got every other tool in the universe !"

Keeping my voice down to just above screaming pitch I answered, "Because I've never needed one !"

The job ground to an instant halt and I turned the stop cock and upstairs valve thing back on only to find that there was now no water pressure in the house as I'd obviously broken something !

The next short period in our lives is best not reported as neither of us was very nice to each other, with a man who had no idea what he was talking about trying to convince a woman who had no interest or understanding and never had had in anything remotely technical that he knew what he was doing, and ended with my phoning our local plumber in a blind panic !

Then Shirley discovered on Facebook that TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY there had been a burst watermain in town and NOBODY had water pressure so I rephoned the plumber, cancelled his visit but asked him to come and replace the tap anyway because I could find NO way to stop the warm water coming through which would have caused a flood and a few more words of disapproval !

Shirley said, "Why don't you speak in plain English when you're on the phone ?"

"What's that mean ?" I replied brusquely.

"Well you phrase things like you're in a Shakesperean play with 'methinks' and 'heretofores' and other words that you'd never use when talking face to face !"

"I have no idea what you're on about !" I said, knowing that she was perfectly right...she always is !

Tuesday 16 May 2023



"David ! My phone isn't charging properly !" I was informed, "The old wire's cracked and this one's got a different slot which doesn't fit into my old plug so what have you done with my proper one as it's taken eight hours to charge 2% ?"

Actually I'd stopped listening after "David !" so she might not have said that lot !

The thing is my wife and I don't have a clue about modern communications and trying to explain the 'technicals' to us is pointless as we simply don't remember what we're supposed to find 'instinctive' !

Now I hate wires, all wires, whether for a phone or a vacuum cleaner or a radio or the one to recharge my almost useful hand-held hoover that sucks up very little.

I especially hate the uselessly short phone charger one that makes me have to lean over the edge of my bed when checking stuff I don't need to check when I should be asleep and I really hate the tyre inflator one I have to plug into the cigar lighter !

SO....for an extra Birthday/Anniversary gift when I spotted a three metre long gold one and  bought it stupidly thinking it would win me a compliment and  a slice of her cake !

"What's this ?" she demanded at 3:30am, her normal waking up time after sleeping for about her usual forty five minutes !

"Er grp perd gable!" I slurped from my normal deep sleep and went instantly back into the depths.

Her phone still failed to charge quickly and my suggestion that the battery might need replacing as the phone was a well used hand-me-down from a child didn't get well received !

She did in fact use my gift despite complaining that the electricity took much longer to get along it and last Sunday I phoned at the end of market to tell her it hadn't rained at all despite the forecasts only to hear her shaken voice explain that she'd leapt up to take her cake plate back into the kitchen to get some more cake when she found herself suddenly face down on the carpet having narrowly missed splitting her skull on the low cupboard that the radio sits on, landing on her right arm and the second toe of her left foot (????) !

The new charging cable had somehow crept between her foot and her sandal and acted as a perfect tripwire once it had reached it's full length and Shirley was in full flight.....and you have to see her on her bike to really appreciate her in full flight ! She rides faster than any man in lycra and a stupid helmet !

The visible result of her fall are an armful of multicoloured bruises along the whole length that would make a good crime scene exhibit and the police would definitely think I'd beaten her up had she ended up in hospital after I returned home and found her dead !

Mind you, I'm now using that wire and it works perfectly for me...perhaps it just needed a good yank ?

Thursday 1 December 2022



I'll send you a list once you've dropped off Toby and got to Aldi as I don't know what I want yet, have you got your phone and is it charged, let me have a look, there's 58% so that should do if you don't use it between now and then, right get going as it's already five minutes since Julian left and he'll be there well before you, have you got 'Jumper' and don't forget Bear's in the shopping trolley we bought for my mother twenty years ago and which she never got to use and even if Julian doesn't want it in his house he's getting it because Toby likes to take Bear for a walk in it, have you got bags ?"

I had already forgotten everything in the above conversation as my front wheels bumped down the kerb !

Anyway, the traffic was hideous but I still I arrived a good ten minutes early, needing a wee although I'd only just had one and decided to wait until I got to Aldi as I thought they would be bound to have a toilet and I can't bear the one that Greggs' customers share with Burger King's and all the people on the A1 who only stop for the toilet !

I got to Aldi really really needing a wee, smirking at the memory of my son's face as he reluctantly loaded the shopping trolley into his boot and was relieved to see that the text message about the shopping only read, 'ALMONDS,NUTS FOR YOU' and shot in, immediately spying NO toilet so grabbed the nuts and headed to the only cashier working and saw to my horror that the woman in front of me was bent double, easing the weight off her top half by resting it on the child's seat over a trolley overfilled with biscuits and at least twenty two litre bottles of cheap Coke !

The sight of all that liquid didn't help my condition but by luck I heard 'We are opening till four for you" come over the speaker system and charged through several pegs to get to the front, paid, shot out and headed for the nearest hedge to relieve myself but there was too much light and too many people around to avoid arrest so I drove home like a demented idiot and threw myself through the door and ran upstairs, dumping the nuts in my wife's hands on the way !

"Where's everything else on the list ?" she called up.

"It only said, 'ALMONDS,NUTS FOR YOU' twice as it happens !" I replied in pain !

"Don't be STUPID !" she shouted back, "I sent a whole list and just once !"

"Hang on, give us a break, I'll be down in a minute !"

"What do you mean it only said 'ALMONDS, NUTS FOR YOU twice ? Give me your phone ! Show me where !"

Whatever I clicked on now read, 'And salad cream'...TWICE !

"It said,'ALMONDS,NUTS FOR YOU' twice when I saw it !"

"Why didn't you press on that message you idiot and the list would have appeared ?"

"I didn't know you had to do that !" I whimpered !

"WHAT ? You didn't know you have to click on a message to see it ? You're PATHETIC ! Now I've got no chocolate cake for tonight's World Cup match !"

"No I didn't know but I'll go back if you want ! I couldn't think AND anyway I didn't have a pound coin for the trolley and if I had had one I wouldn't have managed to get everything without bursting !"

"Don't bother, I'll have a packet of your cheap crisps as you didn't get my posh ones and get yourself sorted out...a text message has to be clicked on !"

"What's a text message ?" I thought as I went through to my room to finish sewing another fifty purses !

Friday 28 October 2022



Nothing's quite right in my house at the moment since Shirley got invaded by a grandchild's virus and I have to make my own food !

Yesterday I made a sausage, bacon and onion sandwich without the bread because I can no longer stand the super seeded loaf I demanded be bought exclusively for me !

The day before that I made a sausage and onion sandwich WITH bread and it was so large I quartered it and everything fell out of each giant quarter when I lifted it towards my mouth and ended up having to use a knife and fork, adding to the washing up that my invalid wife can still manage whilst coughing her guts up because she hates the way I do the washing up

My lunch today was two slices of corned beef, horseradish sauce and sliced with a blunt knife cucumber between nearly the last two slices of that horrible bread !

Six hours later my door crashed open and my wife who had spent the afternoon in a near coma swept in brandishing the two parts of the cucumber pictured above !

"What's THIS David ?" she spat out almost apopleptic, "What has happened to the end of the cucumber ?"

I had to think quickly, "Erm, I cut it off."

"WHY ?"

"Because I wanted some slices of it for my sandwich."

"So why didn't you slice it from the end ?"

I had no answer and fell silent as she turned, shaking her head in bewilderment and left my room.

"Now the end's going to dry up and get wasted and cucumbers aren't cheap !" I think she said except she probably didn't as she never wastes a scrap of food and that end, I'm certain, however dried up will end up down my gullet tomorrow !

'I should have just eaten the end as a self-contained snack !', I thought as I turned back to my work feeling hungry because a single corned beef sandwich is no meal for any man let alone a hard working one !

Tuesday 4 October 2022



I had just gone heavy on the butter when I heard, called through from my wife's Ipad viewing couch, "Go easy on the butter !" because she can just sense when I'm doing wrong !

If she'd really wanted that she'd have made my Marmite on toast elevenses herself, when she would have scraped an invisible amount of my favourite lubricant on to what Hovis sells as white bread without printing 'TASTELESS WITH A HORRIBLE TEXTURE AND LIKE TRYING TO CHEW THIN CARDBOARD' prominently on its wrapper, thereby saving about half a p !

 But she didn't and I had to crawl through from my sewing machine starved half to death to prepare my own food !

So having failed to unbutter two slices of burnt toast because you can't unbutter melted butter, especially heavily spread butter, I heaped on extra thick Marmite to disguise my crime in case it were to be inspected, which it thankfully wasn't as the amount of topping I'd used was ridiculous and would have been noticed and commented upon !

I quickly scoffed the lot, choking as quietly as I could on the product bought from Asda under its own name and which tastes exactly like Marmite because I'd put on FAR too much ! 

Monday 26 September 2022



Well Saturday was an adventure for Hugo, his Dad and me when we went to Bafta in Piccadilly to watch the screening of the first episode of series 10 of The Dumping Ground and to join in the celebration of ten years of the programme which started out as 'Tracey Beaker' about the adventures of children in a care home !

We hadn't been in London for an hour when Hugo said, "London is a hell hole and I never want to come back here !"

Maybe they'll keep him on for the next series and even for the next ten years or maybe this'll be his only acting job...only time will tell !

Saturday 17 September 2022



We were sitting on our Scottish veranda playing Scrabble in tremendous mid-September heat two days ago when Shirley 'hissed' me whilst holding her hand over her nose, "Oi ! What's that stench ? Someone's cooking something diabolical and I can't believe they'd force us to smell it too !"

I couldn't smell anything because I can't smell anything at all anymore but I could see she was in some distress !

Shirley started out her married life with only the minimal amount of patience for me, anybody else or, in fact, the entire world and that minimal amount finally ground down to zero because of what was happening up her nose !

"It's DISGUSTING ! You're going to have to say something once you've had a sniff around the verandas on either side and worked out which one this horrible smell is coming from ! It's making me feel SICK !"

I got her point though still couldn't smell anything but relished a break from yet another defeat in which she builds up a large score by using no more than high scoring two letter words placed on triple scoring squares !

"The STENCH !" she continued, holding her skirt to her face, "I'm going to have to go in and shut all the windows until whoever it is has finished producing the foulest food I've ever had the misfortune to smell !"

"How can they do it ? Don't they realise that NO-one should have to suffer THAT ? What COULD it possibly be ?"

She got up and after a couple of seconds with her head next to our open window quietly said, "Oh, it's our dinner ! I forgot that I didn't have any tomato puree and put a jar of black olive tapinard in the casserole !"

It tasted of pure salty bitterness when I ate it with gratitude a little later, clearing my plate and belching affectionately....and I can't taste anything either !

Sunday 28 August 2022


This clip is possibly 50 years old and these two comic geniuses featured in the American 'Carol Burnett Show' for years!


I hope you find it as unbearably unwatchably hilarious as I do !  

Wednesday 15 June 2022


 It's suddenly so hot in England I'm running with sweat after an hour sunbathing in my back garden so I've come back inside to seek the shade and some breeze !

"I could do with diving into the Mediterranean !" I groaned at Shirley who had taken my place on the punctured plastic lilo that hasn't held air for more than thirty years but is useful as a first layer before a thin and narrow scrap of faded striped sunchair foam is placed on it followed by cushions and a towel if I use it to carch my drool !

"Well we have a beach five minutes away so why not nip down there ?" she urged, obviously not remembering what happened to me the last time I went for a dip there on a very hot day in 1981 !

I dived in and came up with a not very attractive necklace of untreated human waste !

"Rather not ! I meant somewhere hotter and with transparently turquoise water !"

"Oh God, you mean like Lanzarote where you should have been shot for going in naked !"

"But it was a nudist beach and you said I looked pathetic in shorts !"

"Yes but you were 'unmanicured' and the image is too awful to conjure back up !"

"I'm a MAN and proper men DON'T 'manicure' !"

"You're not a proper man and you SHOULD !"

And with that she fell back to sleep and I reached for my grooming kit !

I wonder what she'll think of THIS !

(No, NO PHOTOS !) 

Monday 14 March 2022



SOMEONE should have seen what was going on and stopped me dead in my tracks on my way to my totally unnecessary academic failure but who exactly was to blame ?

Actually I think it was me !

I evidently thought....well no, I didn't think; the future was in the future and I must have thought that I had plenty of time but then again I'm pretty sure I never thought that as all I ever did was not think !

Of course I now blame PIRITON, the anti hayfever drug that turned me into a zombie in class and sent me straight to sleep when I tried to read in the library !

If I could get another chance NOW I'd get straight As or probably not !

I wasn't the only one who though !

So here's some advice for all my grandsons....study and pass your exams with the highest marks possible and DON'T say I didn't warn you !

Tuesday 1 March 2022


Shirley wasn't talking to a five year old but to ME !

We had arrived at the harbour beach together, that is to say, she had arrived and I had staggered along about five minutes later, clutching my chest, frozen to the bone with icicles hanging off both nostrils and the end of my nose, desperate for food, having left home full to bursting ten minutes before !

I dropped onto the carrier bag she had positioned for me so I wouldn't get wet from the sand and reached into my coat pocket to retrieve the packet of Belvita biscuits that she'd had me carry !

"I suppose you're starving despite only just having stuffed your face with oversalted peanut butter on toast ?"

"Yes !" I gasped, "I'm dying of hunger...give us one !"

Belvita biscuits, for those of you who don't know, are a disgustingly cloying alternative breakfast food designed for busy people on the run...which is not us !

They are so horrible that we have been known to carry the same packet, unopened, for months, until in fact they have disintegrated into dust because neither of us can stand them !

I gobbled my two greedily and didn't refuse when she offered me a half of one of hers !

They are that disgusting that they'd clogged up my throat and I stared wild eyed at her tiny half full (to save weight) water bottle silently pleading for help !

Eventually and with the sort of reluctance only a wife can display and a mouth turned downwards in loathing said, "Wipe your lips and don't slobber into it !"

So I did what I was told because I'm clever like that and wanted some dinner when we got home !

Saturday 12 February 2022



Jonathan phoned me last week to ask if I still loved Mon Cheri Liquer Chocolates as he knew that I had sadly let myself down by buying EIGHT boxes of Thorntons chocolates for my birthday treat which I THOUGHT had hard ones in them but which ALL turned out to be absolutely YUK....like the ones nobody eats from the tin of Christmas Quality Street until two weeks later when they become desperate !

"How can anyone NOT love them ?" I replied !

"Well I haven't got you any but I have found something very close at M&S and I've bought you six boxes !"

"Lovely ! They'll do !"

Let me tell you this...they are GORGEOUS and I can eat all twenty one in a box in two sessions and now, not one week later I've just started my fifth box !

And that's after experimenting this afternoon with a number of  Chocolate Bourbons to see how long I could dunk one in hot coffee before it fell to pieces and I was left holding a soggy tip ! The answer was six seconds !

I am disgusted with myself but not as disgusted as my wife who is even more enraged because I never put on an ounce and my annual blood tests all come back with 'EXCELLENT' marks, despite my having been just one decimal point short of type two diabetes for the last ten years !

And the Thorntons ?

Shirley's had the lot !

Friday 11 February 2022



Above is a shot of Toby's father at the same sort of horrible stage his son now is !

Sometimes hunger just gets the better of me and waiting for more than two hours for my daughter in law to get home with a Chinese takeaway was too much for a man who had only had a dish of Rice Krispies half a day before !

Toby, two, had demanded a buttered crumpet when he got home from nursery and I watched in disgust as he drooled whilst sucking the hot butter out of pieces of the thing whilst chewing and then spitting out the solid leftovers !

I would have made myself one but his was the last in the packet and for some reason Shirley seemed to forget that I would be starving and had offered me nothing, assuring me that a meal was on its way !

Then Toby got given a Yum Yum which he also chewed and spat out the plain dough remains after ingesting all the tasty sweet bits !

By then my legs had gone weak and shaky and I couldn't stand the hunger pangs any more so I grabbed the young child's leftovers and stuffed them greedily down my throat before anyone could stop me and I felt much better for it !

Now no-one's talking to me because they were SO disgusted by my behaviour....and frankly...so am I !

Tuesday 1 February 2022



I dread hearing the words, "Come and get your daily drubbing !" which today came earlier than expected so I hadn't even mentally prepared myself for my ritual humiliation !

And I'M the one who reads and writes whilst all SHE ever does is listen endlessly all night and then to the repeats all day of Steven Nolan and his phone-in wingeing losers !

She tries to soften me up with, "The tide's going to turn, I can feel it and as I only had twelve seconds sleep and fifteen wees last night whilst you snored your way through nine solid hours, my brain is completely done in and I can't think any more !"

Needless to say, the tide DIDN'T turn today and I'm not expecting it ever to again !

So anyway, here's my real face at the top and then the one the public see, below, when I masterfully give the impression that life's just fine ! And note who's cooking my tea because she feels guilty for being superior ! Here she had demanded 3 minutes 45 seconds on my stopwatch and was saying, "Did you here me you deaf idiot, three minutes forty five or your curry will be ruined ?"

Of course I'd heard her but I carry on my deaf act so I don't get asked to do stuff because I'm a LOT cleverer than she thinks I am !

And here is one side of the score sheet showing 18 circled wins for HER and one boxed one for me !

I'm surprised she hasn't steamed off that franked stamp for me to use on a parcel !

Tuesday 25 January 2022



The new Highway Code laws came into force today and here's the first cyclist I knocked off his bike as he road down the centre of the road at 3mph on his way to the shops...thankfully without a child sat behind him !

These include advice to cyclists to ride in the middle of the lane they would have ridden to the left of !

This will lead to millions of them being screamed at, hooted at and mown down !

Drivers now have to open their doors with their left hands in order that they will be facing backwards and be more able to see approaching cyclists !


Try it !

I can't do it because I have a STEERING WHEEL in the way and when I did try it I had to squash the right hand side of my face up against my window before the door flew open and I fell out of the car into the path of an oncoming cyclist !

As I said, try it !

Then there's having to give way to pedestrians crossing the road when you're turning left !

Drivers now have to stop to let them cross which will result in vehiocles piling into the back of them !

Mark my words, this arrant nonsense is going to lead to mayhem, drivers going barmy being forced by law to sit at 3mph behind self-righteous cyclists hogging the centre of the car lanes, fines and judges forced to waste their time imprisoning perfectly decent drivers who will have infringed yet more nonsenical laws !

See you in prison soon chaps !

Wednesday 19 January 2022



I haven't driven on a motorway for close to twenty years but today I had to get to the south of Leeds on a business trip and left just after 7am taking sandwiches, a flask, a blanket in case I broke down or got caught in a snowdrift and my wife's mobile phone so I could get talked there by Google Maps Sat Nav...except I couldn't get the voice to speak to me because I am just so technically useless !

Anyway I'm a man and don't need sat nav or maps !

I didn't take MY phone because it only had 5% charge in it after being charged all night !

Yes it WAS plugged in...it just didn't charge !

It's almost impossible to believe how crowded the roads are these days and the first twenty miles was a crawl through roadworks, in the dark with dangerously narrow lanes, at fifty or would have been if anyone had bothered going over forty...something I simply don't understand !

Despite it being dry the road surface was wet, if not muddy the whole way and my freshly filled washer bottle finally ran out after a hundred miles as I drove through the filthiest conditions I have ever driven through, made worse by a blinding sun after it rose at 8:45, as lorry after lorry covered me in brown road spray !

And what a nightmare trying to read road signs in order to cross over to the M62/M621 but I miraculously managed it , only taking the wrong exit off a local roundabout at the last moment because of the conditions !

Then the journey back with the sun behind and the road surface now dry was a doddle or would have been if drivers hadn't resolutely clung to the middle lane doing sixty instead of moving over into the slow lane, ignoring my constant flashing headlights and non-stop hooting as I passed, pointing to the slow lane before swerving in front of them to demonstrate where they should be...all to no avail !

Each one looked at me with complete bewilderment in their eyes and stayed right where they were ! 

Note, I haven't mentioned gender as there were a few old men too ! 

And if diesel at £1:49 a litre wasn't expensive enough, on the motorway it was £1:68....daylight robbery !

Finally, I actually washed the car by hand once I'd got back which means it's had three washes in eight years !

Thursday 13 January 2022


Lloyds Bank gives us a dozen free cinema tickets every year, possibly to make up for the appallingly, embarrassingly low interest rate they pay us for letting them lend our money out to others at appallingly, embarrassingly high interest rates !

Last night Shirley suddenly said something about it being a shame that we hadn't used them as they were about to go out of date so looking up to see what might tempt us we discovered West Side Story would be starting in forty minutes but as she couldn't bear the thought of sitting in a crowded auditorium with a face mask on she persuaded me to form a vanguard and sus it out on my own !

There were ten others in the vast hall and I sat in a posh seat stuffing the bag of sweets that I'd been sent with to stop me spending twenty quid on a dried up hot dog and a monstrously large bucket of tasteless popcorn washed down with two litres of Coke like everyone else has when they go to the pictures !

I somehow got through the interminable adverts and trailers without falling too deeply asleep and reached for my first sweet as the main attraction started.

My hand kept bumping against a large bag of tightly bound something in the sweet bag that irritated me beyond words and after demolishing a hundred mint imperials and twenty humbugs I yanked it out to see what was in it, hopefully some toast or a cold sausage I was thinking as I struggled to open a plastic bag rolled solid with a nasty sharp rubber band preventing it spilling its contents !

I was probably swearing quite audibly as the band snapped off and whacked into my face and snorting in fury as I unrolled whatever it was, only to find that there was absolutely nothing in the bag at all....NOTHING !

"Oh how funny Shirley !" I muttered, "Very amusing !"

I still had two and a quarter hours to go, I was STARVING and my stomach was growling, disturbing the nearest couple who were sitting about thirty feet from me !

Boy it certainly warmed up as I sat in my Tshirt, shirt, three jumpers and my winter coat, so warm in fact that I was sweating by the end and couldn't wait to get out !

The full horror of what had actually happened revealed itself this morning when I put my coat on and discovered that the entire front of it was CAKED in chocolate that had melted off  the chocolate peanuts that I had poured out of the already opened bag and straight onto myself without realising it because I had held the bag upside down !

No wonder the usherettes looked astonished, shocked and horrified when I raised my trilby to them on my way out and bid them a good evening !

Sunday 9 January 2022



Everyone knows that I HATE mobile phones and refuse to buy one or carry one but somehow a child donated one and I'm forced to carry it in case I die so that whoever finds me can ring my wife who doesn't drive and won't be able to come and sort things out !

But it's got worse recently as she now tracks me and I really hate that because obviously at 72 I'm likely to be out on the razzle and would be bound to lie about it when I got home having been careful to remove all traces of blonde hairs from my clothing and any lingering perfume too !

I'm not stupid !

On my drive home this evening along the Western bypass having left home twelve hours before to go to market where I and my stock once again got soaked and then after three hours babysitting and conscietiously sitting behind a van doing 48 instead of the 50 the never ending road works permit I had my radio playing something soothing when it occured to me, and I chuckled to myself silently at the thought, to take a different route home to see if I got spotted and closely questioned and had I pulled out without checking my overtaking mirror to overtake the slow idiot in front of me before pulling off to take the Sandy Lane road I would have been wiped off the face of the earth by a police Volvo XC90 which appeared from absolutely nowhere doing at least a hundred and twenty and going too fast for me to hear its siren or focus on its very tiny blue flashing lights !

I didn't pull out with or without looking and didn't die but five minutes later the same vehicle or its twin but this time without lights or siren roared past me again doing the same speed !

So you see if I had been wiped out and the police had found my mobile phone they and everyone else would have undoubtedly thought I been on it, probably phoning ahead to make sure my tea was on and been terribly critical of me and both sympathetic and supportive of my wife whose actual fault my death would have been !

I don't think I can win, do you ?

Friday 7 January 2022


I walked into WH Smiths in The Metro Centre with my eight year old grandson Hugo this evening,  a boy who could spend hours and hours in every shop examining the merchandise !

There was only one employee in the vastness and THOUSANDS of overpriced items begging to be stolen !

There wasn't even an assistant on a till as it's yet another of those self-service places which always trip me up or need an adult to come and check my age when I scan a 'dangerous' item like correction fluid which apparently schoolchildren used to buy to sniff themselves high on !

Hugo picked up every one of the several hundred pens in open containers and tried them on a pad, remarking to me how much each one was his favourite but at £3:99 per pen I wasn't buying !

What he got was the cheapest item in the shop, a pencil with all the times tables printed on it, perfect for cheating eight year olds to hide up their sleeves during a test, which I was SO tempted to nick but restrained myself as I didn't want to risk getting nicked as I had purposefully left my mobile phone at home because I WILL NOT BE TRACKED so couldn't have phoned to get someone to pick up the child !

Anyway £1:50 didn't seem TOO much and we made our way to the checkout where I failed to press, 'NO BAGS' and also failed to inform the machine that I would be paying with cash for my purchase and so stood there looking like the old twerp I refuse not to look like ! Even my £1:50 which I had payed into the cash slot was returned to me because of that omission !

Thank Goodness I had Hugo with me !

There were no other customers in the shop, not even that row of seedy looking people who stand reading the magazines for free and I'm left wondering how a business can survive without customers when the rent and overheads must be sky high and the prices are ridiculous ?

I bet WH Smith don't survive another five years !

Tuesday 4 January 2022


 I once wasted forty quid by buying PLAY IT TODAY, a piano course which came in forty issues at £1 each fortnight !

It was or I was rubbish and I quickly gave up trying to learn to play ! Twenty years later I gave it to my daughter who did a bit better than me before she gave up too !

I am occasionally reminded of my folly by my wife who still thinks forty quid a fortune but how, I wonder, would she react if I insisted on building a replica of The Titanic which at £9:99 a fortnight for 140 issues of kit and magazine will add up to ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS !

Yes, someone out there in publishing land has decided that punters will shell out £1,400 to build a model of The Titanic over a period of SIX YEARS !

Or have I got my maths wrong ? No I haven't !

The advert for it keeps appearing so I presume someone must think that it'll sell like hot cakes whereas I feel it will sink like a stone !

Actually I have got a bit of the maths wrong because some months you get FOUR issues and with issue 130 you get a FREE display case !

If anyone does finish their model then if you send me a photograph of you standing beside it...and it will be about four feet long... I will get Hugo to sign a limited edition print of his Titanic drawing for you to frame and hang proudly above it !

Saturday 25 December 2021



I have three children and my youngest lost the toss with his siblings to see who had to have us over for Christmas Dinner this year !

I had barely got through the front door when Janny said, "Can you put Toby in the car and take him for a drive to get him to sleep and then sit with him for an hour until he wakes up ?"

 He's two and terrible !

As it turned out he screamed blue murder and wouldn't let me dress him or take him out of the house so at least I got my lunch first before I swooped him up under protest and buckled him in, wrapped in a thick blanket.....he was asleep before we had turned the first corner !

So I drove for ten minutes, returned to the house and sat freezing and sleeping myself until Janny opened the door and handed me in a mug of tea and her mobile phone for me to read the papers on although she hadn't changed the script from Thai back into English which made things difficult !

Anyway, the day was got through and when I got home just now I really fancied a couple of pieces of a gift I'd got, some Marks and Spencers chocolate covered honeycomb which was too hard to bite and too big to eat in one go so taking an ordinary knife and a cereal bowl I cracked the first bit with too much force and it EXPLODED, turned to dust and covered every surface in the kitchen but knowing that I had only thirty seconds to clear up the mess before Shirley came in having changed from her hot house wear into our somewhat cooler house wear I did a remarkable job silently, screaming, "Fuck, Fuck FUCK !" under my breath !

I stuffed the remaining whole piece into my mouth and sat there looking nonchalantly innocent or tried to but I couldn't shut my mouth and slurp started to drool out of me and into the dish, puddling revoltingly until I'd melted it enough to chomp down on !

Enter the eagle eyed one !

"WHAT IS THIS !" she demanded, spotting the last hundred or so fragments that had avoided my panic !

"Oh it could be a bit of this honeycomb that broke up a bit when I hit it gently !" I replied, lisping gurglingly through a pool of  sticky saliva that lay under my tongue and coated my teeth and roof !

"And is that what I've just trodden in too ?" she growled, staring at her chocolate encrusted foot !

"Oh did a bit fall on the floor too ? Sorry !" I said through a mouthful of mixture that I wouldn't be able to swallow for several more minutes !

"And WHAT is in the bottom of this dish ?" she demanded as she swept it away to wash it up without recognising a small pond of uncontrollable slurp lying there !

"It's the honeycomb melted a bit." I lied unconvincingly !

Well Shirley, if you've read this you will now know what it was !


Thursday 23 December 2021


 "Can you take this with you ?" It wasn't really a question, more of a getting told what to do thing, as I was handed 'my' mobile phone as I was setting out by bike looking like a stupid Christmas tree with the bobble on my 'woollen' hat bobbling ridiculously happily as if the man beneath it was happy which he wasn't and never is and now never will be again !

I don't actually own a mobile phone that I've signed up for and refuse to as I loathe the intrusion into a life that no-one is slightly interested in !

But our offspring have handed them on when the technology that supported them originally became so outdated that they were of no further use to them....so mine's the pink one and Shirley's is the red one and I am now forced to carry mine when I take the two and seven year olds to the Metro Centre in case I die and the stranger who finds me can look up the emergency numbers and phone a family member of mine who will only be concerned about the children and not me, once they've worked their way through my wallet which is tied to my belt so I don't leave it in a shop !

Anyway so I cycled to the chemist to collect Shirley's statins....YES ! She's finally having to take a drug !....and on the way back, as I was cycling across the field the town's fog horn went off which was odd, I thought on top of what I was already thinking about my next Facebook posting, as the day was clear....and it annoyed me and all the women out walking their dogs as the sound became more shrill and insistent and they were all staring at ME, tutting and shaking their heads at each other !

Eventually it dawned though my skull that the sound was coming from inside my poacher's pocket and was from the phone which was sitting under my facemask and Shirley's bag of drugs and that meant stopping the bike in the middle of the enemy who stared at me even more ferociously whilst I grabbed the bag, dropped my facemask in the mud and brought out the by now screaming phone into which I punched the easily forgotten code but which WOULDN'T stop making its racket !

By now the dogs were all howling in unison with the STUPID bell tones wailing out of the speaker and so I stuffed the idiot machine back into my pocket and doing my privates an injury as I bent down too quickly to pick up my three month old soiled mask which probably has more germs embedded in it than an old first world war gangrene dressing, launched myself homeward !

I arrived back flustered to be met at the door by a triumphant wife exclaiming, "I could see you the whole way there and back again !"

Well I'm not having it I tell you...I'm NOT being traced and followed...I'm just NOT !

My daughter traces her husband and I think it's the final straw !

"Oh look !", she'll say to her mother, "He's in Screwfix !"

"Ooh !" her mother replies, "I could do with seeing what your father gets up to ! Set mine up for me will you ?"

So here I am, the final barrier gone. No chance of lying ever again !

Not that I've got anything to hide....but if I did....................................................

Thursday 9 December 2021



When I was about twenty one and had moved to Brighton I suddenly got an urge to become a medic and was offered an initial place as a nursing auxiliary to see if I was basically suited to things.

Let me first explain what an auxilliary nurse is...they are nothing...they have no qualifications or medical knowledge and are essentially skivvies.

It wasn't long before I was doggy paddling cluelessly in a world I had no idea existed but having sat nuns on bedpans, cleaned up doubly incontinent patients and packed out gaping bedsores I felt ready to face just about anything after two hours on the job and was very relaxed about ending my shift in A&E.

I was summoned to a cubicle to attend two surgeons who were assessing a young woman with appendicitis and whilst they were playing their part lower down her body I stood at the top end reassuring her that everything was going to be fine, like I'd seen nurses do on Emergency Ward 10 !

I was probably thinking about getting to the beach to sleep and sunbathe after work when my daydream was interrupted by one of the surgeons saying, "Right nurse, we're going to operate straight away so will you shave this charming young lady and change her into a gown ?" Surgeons always call people 'charming'...I think it must be a part of their training.

I looked closely at her face and and holding both my hands open towards it in a sort of doubting way and screwing up my face into a ''Are you sure ?' questioning way motioned at her perfectly smooth skin and with disbelief in my voice said, "Shave her doctor ?"

"Yes please, that's what I said !" he replied a little tersely I thought but my role was not really to question a doctor even when I was at a loss, so I lathered her face with shaving foam and sharpened the cut throat razor on the strop and was just about to grip the end of her nose and start the job when an extremely angry man shouted, "STOP ! What do you think you're doing nurse ?"

"You said shave her Sir, did I misshear you ?"

"How long have you been a nurse, nurse ?", he barked, staring at his colleague in disbelief who stood stock still with his jaw dropped nearly to the floor !

"This is my first night Sir but I'm pretty sure I won't mangle a simple shave !"

"Stop what you're doing and get out you complete idiot ! Go to Matron NOW and tell her I said you're sacked and you're NEVER darken these doors again !"

I didn't actually go to the Matron but simply walked back to my locker, took my slightly stained white jacket off and flung it in there before returning in some confusion to my bedsit which was overrun with mice and picking up the local paper started to look through the jobs section to see if there was anything else that might suit me better.

"AHA !" I said out loud after my eyes alighted on, "Leather worker wanted...no experience necessary !", I think I'll give that a go next....and here I am, fifty years later, still with no real experience, a leather worker and Leader of a virtually unknown Facebook photographic group called 'THE LEAST SUCCESSFUL PHOTOGRAPHIC GROUP EVER !'

Sunday 5 December 2021


 "Do our tyres really come from China now ?", I thought as I drove away from a back street tyre place after being refused a puncture repair whilst I waited !

You see, couple of mornings ago, Friday it was, we had to get somewhere within a time limit and looking out I noticed the car was sitting on the drive with a completely flat front tyre so I jacked the car up and put on the spare before heading to town to get things repaired.

No woman could have undone the nuts or released the spare from its cradle no matter how tough they might be; only brute strength would suffice and yes I was sure it was completely airless and couldn't be driven down to town on as it was hinted I might be able to do !

And yes I DID know that it hadn't been flat when I drove yesterday as I would have noticed the sudden collapse of the front left of the vehicle, the steering wheel being yanked out of my hand and the sound and smell of a tyre getting shredded; a question I answered remarkably calmly I thought !

"Shouldn't you phone ahead first, just in case they can't do it and if they can't, what happens if we set out and get another puncture ?" Perfectly reasonable questions but I'm a man and drove off after saying, "Leave it to me !"

So at the first of the four tyre places in town the man working on his own for one of the major brands said, "Not 'til next week as I'm on my own !" so I set off for the next which was an independent with one man standing ticking off a list of all the tyres he had.

"Can you repair a puncture whilst I wait ?" I asked, certain he'd jump to it.

"No mate, my Chinese order is due in !"

"Oh OK !" I said, jumping back in and quickly reversing my car out of his back lane so I wouldn't block the wagon from China he was expecting !

And as I drove off I was just thinking, "I wonder how long it takes a man to drive a load of tyres from China and how many must he deliver to make it worth his while ?" when I spotted a Chinese man presumably from a Chinese Takeaway on a bike with a food 'Hot Box' on his back cutting across behind me and shooting up the lane I'd just left !

Well I didn't go back and tell the tyre man about my misunderstanding because he would have thought I was a twat and drove on to the third tyre nationally known place instead which had a car park full of waiting vehicles and every ramp with a car on it !

Still nothing ventured, nothing gained and parking in the disabled bay I limped in, grasped the counter and repeated my request in a breathless voice !

The four men gathered around a computer console looked at each other and one of them said, "I can do it for you if you'll sit down over there." and handing me a hot chocolate and a Computer magazine (don't ask me) had the job done in twenty minutes !

And I almost forgot to limp back out to my car !

Here's the three inch nail that had fortunately not gone through a side wall or that would have been a new tyre !

Wednesday 10 November 2021


I like to wake up a bit before I hear about the latest crisis and I WAS on my way to put the kettle on when I was overtaken and presented with a bank bag containing a piece of tissue that had been used to wipe out the frying pan before it was washed up and then used to lift a 'baby snail' from the face of the kitchen cupboard !

"There's a baby snail in that tissue !" I was informed !

The top of the bank bag had been turned over in the way that bank bags mystifyingly can be, sealing in the creature !

"I don't know HOW it got there unless you walked it in on your outdoor shoes when you swept up the garden leaves two days ago !"

Of course I take my outdoor shoes off at the door when I come in so carrying a baby snail in on them seemed a bit improbable but then woodlice can suddenly appear trudging across the middle of the lounge carpet and our floors are concrete so there's another mystery !

I made my coffee and sat down to investigate, gingerly opening the sealed up bag !

"It was 5am and dark when I came down for a cup of tea when I woke for the sixteenth time after NOT sleeping barely a wink for the seven thousandth night in a row so it might not actually be a snail but if it is you're going to have to do something about it !"

I wondered which expert I would have to call in to repel an invasion of baby snails as I opened up the tissue revealing a small dried out coffee granule which was possibly once a splash !

"It's a splash !" I said confidently and slightly relieved !

"But what if it hadn't been, what would you have done about it ?"

That we'll never know !

Thursday 7 October 2021



"NO ! DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING !" I shouted at an old woman who'd been forced to stand outside for a quarter of an hour after arriving for her appointment far too early, as she pressed the button on the Waiting Room hand gel dispenser which had a boldly printed sign beside it saying, 'Do NOT use this until told to by a member of staff !'

It really does !

She ignored me and used it anyway and none of the reception staff even noticed anything out of the ordinary except for an old man wearing an ancient browning-at-the-edges face mask seemingly suffering from Tourettes !

I eventually got escorted upstairs for my treatment and as one now has to put one's face mask back on after removing it for the dentist to do his work I did as instructed and followed the nurse back downstairs to be let out, or at least started to !

Unfortunately, after seeing the nurse squirt gel one-handed from the dispenser outside the treatment room and thinking that I ought to do the same I pressed up one handedly, as she had done ten seconds before, but instead of a little squirt to cleanse myself the entire body shot upwards and plummeted to the carpet, ejecting its entire contents into a fan shaped disaster zone with the bracket parts that once held it to the wall crashing down beside it !

She angel-like said, "Oh my goodness !" or something similar and I shouted out, "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE HOW DID THAT HAPPEN ?" !

Everyone came running, including my dentist, all expecting to see my body at the bottom of the stairs !

"Oh I'm SO sorry nurse, here let me help you clean it up !" I begged, desperate to make amends !

And she, as calm as calm could be asked me to leave the job to her and ushered me downstairs and saw me out before shutting the door behind me.....quite forcefully I thought at the time !

It was only after I'd made two more calls that I got back in the car and spotted the mountain of gel still sitting on my left shoe and asked God to eradicate what they'd thought they'd seen from the brains of the people in the shops I'd subsequently dealt with and who'd said nothing but HAD backed away from me !

Sunday 4 July 2021



 In the interest of food preservation and storage Shirley hit on a brilliant way to reuse old plastic bread wrappers and frozen fruit bags !

This system works fine for her because HER brain knows what she has put in which and where she has stored the items for extra longevity !

Me ? I haven't got a clue but to help out a bit now that she has a severe cut in a fingertip I took over the washing up whilst we were away this week and even cooked my own breakfast AND chopped up some hefty vegetables to make a perfect soup to boot !

I could just about find the bacon without too much trouble as it was in a virtually transparent extra bread bag although it was slightly hidden under a small tub of Lurpak which she had refilled from a larger one left at home !

Did I mention that the fridge in our static caravan...did I even mention we were staying in our static?...is only high enough for a very small person to see into unless you get down on your knees and frankly even a circus dwarf would also have to get down on her knees to be able to see into it without giving herself backache !

So once the bacon was nicely spitting all over the hob I bent down to get the plum tomatoes that I knew we'd bought and thus started a fruitless search, unwrapping frozen fruit bags containg cheese, humus, onions, cream, radishes and blueberry muffins but no tomatoes !

I stupidly searched the freezer where frozen foods were double wrapped in the cast off bags of totally different foodstuffs and found nothing red and having once repacked the tiny overfilled space in a bad mood and therefore wrong order I stood up with my sciatica killing me and looked in the eight biscuit tins that also really irritate me when I'm looking for a biscuit !

I'd left the gas on too high and the bacon was about to turn into charcoal having spread its fat right across the draining board and turned the remaining oil black when in a temper I opened the bread cupboard and spotted a box of grapes and desperate for something to sweeten the burnt offerings threw a handful into the pan and LO, the tomatoes were sitting by the cooker where I had forgotten I'd put them before I started cooking and so they went in too to be followed by an egg which I managed to fry until it was hard and a piece of bread which I fried to destruction....and jolly nice it all was too !

Anyway when we got home and I unpacked I found this bag of frozen raspberries in the boot and wasn't in the least bit surprised when I looked inside and found two small bottles of water !


Tuesday 30 March 2021


It's taken fifty years, all but one year, for me to admit that Shirley is superior to me and it took today's game of Scrabble to finally get me to admit it !

I am NOT a stupid man and however badly she's doing she will always come racing past me in her last two or three turns, leaving me inconsolably depressed and her smirking as she answers another twenty or so 'pings' on top of the fifty she's already answered !

Today she didn't wait so long and having cursed me for using all my seven letters not only for the opening go but for the next go too...unheard of really...she then put on her Stormtrooper's boots and got a sevener herself and then JERKS on a triple word !

I know this won't mean a lot to anyone who doesn't play but I am deeply wounded and full of loathing as she wins all but a very few games...but then I do dread it when she IS losing because she can get VERY angry and throw her letter holder at the board and leave me to get my own supper !

LOCKDOWN is ending soon isn't it !

Sunday 21 February 2021



I adore my eleven year old grandson Daniel !

He's a complete genius and seems to genuinely understand quantum and nuclear physics to the point where he can explain it to me as if HE'S 72 and I'M 11 !

His mother has brought her boys up with a full knowledge of the workings of the human body in such an open and honest way which I would never have done and didn't do, waiting for them to ask questions which I then told them to go and ask their mother but as no-one seems to agree with me these days about keeping children as innocent as possible for as long as possible I must be in the wrong....or am I ?

My father was a Doctor and he never had THAT talk with any of his five sons and we all survived happily in complete ignorance of anything above a lady's ankle and so did my sons !

Learning what you needed to know about life behind the bike sheds has served boys well for generations and I don't see why things should change now !

Sadly I never found anyone to take ME behind the bike sheds so my knowledge has remained at ankle height my entire life !

Anyway today I posted this photo of two frogs in an embrace and my daughter showed it to her son without realising it showed frogs having sex !

He said, "Why are you showing me a picture of frogs having sex ?" and she replied, "I don't think they have sex, he just squirts over the eggs !" And HE replied, " Stop talking now or I will put a knife to your throat !"

She's a midwife without an edit button which she might have inherited from me and he's going to grow up weird !


Thursday 18 February 2021


I must admit that my hearing is not what it was and so when I was asked this morning whether I was having trouble with my owls I had to stop and think about that for a second !

The lady who asked me was speaking from behind her facemask and spoke in a quiet voice heavily laden with Geordie which I might have found hard to understand if she hadn't had a mask on and I could have seen her lips moving !

I looked beeseechingly first at her and then at the ceiling and then at her friend and then back to her before saying, "Owls ? I don't have any and wasn't planning on getting any so why do you ask ?"

Her friend groaned, as did the lady who then spoke louder and clearer to this evidently STUPID old man !


I then remembered I was lying on an examination bed about to have a CT Colonagraphy treat and tutting in a way I hoped she'd think meant that I was trying to bring humour to my terror replied, "Oh BOWELS ? No but then that's for you to find out isn't it ?"

The next few minutes were not the most pleasant I've ever experienced as enough carbon dioxide to launch several hot air balloons was 'introduced' to an unmentionable part of my body and I went very quiet for quite a while !