Friday, 11 February 2022



Above is a shot of Toby's father at the same sort of horrible stage his son now is !

Sometimes hunger just gets the better of me and waiting for more than two hours for my daughter in law to get home with a Chinese takeaway was too much for a man who had only had a dish of Rice Krispies half a day before !

Toby, two, had demanded a buttered crumpet when he got home from nursery and I watched in disgust as he drooled whilst sucking the hot butter out of pieces of the thing whilst chewing and then spitting out the solid leftovers !

I would have made myself one but his was the last in the packet and for some reason Shirley seemed to forget that I would be starving and had offered me nothing, assuring me that a meal was on its way !

Then Toby got given a Yum Yum which he also chewed and spat out the plain dough remains after ingesting all the tasty sweet bits !

By then my legs had gone weak and shaky and I couldn't stand the hunger pangs any more so I grabbed the young child's leftovers and stuffed them greedily down my throat before anyone could stop me and I felt much better for it !

Now no-one's talking to me because they were SO disgusted by my behaviour....and am I !

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