Saturday, 17 September 2022



We were sitting on our Scottish veranda playing Scrabble in tremendous mid-September heat two days ago when Shirley 'hissed' me whilst holding her hand over her nose, "Oi ! What's that stench ? Someone's cooking something diabolical and I can't believe they'd force us to smell it too !"

I couldn't smell anything because I can't smell anything at all anymore but I could see she was in some distress !

Shirley started out her married life with only the minimal amount of patience for me, anybody else or, in fact, the entire world and that minimal amount finally ground down to zero because of what was happening up her nose !

"It's DISGUSTING ! You're going to have to say something once you've had a sniff around the verandas on either side and worked out which one this horrible smell is coming from ! It's making me feel SICK !"

I got her point though still couldn't smell anything but relished a break from yet another defeat in which she builds up a large score by using no more than high scoring two letter words placed on triple scoring squares !

"The STENCH !" she continued, holding her skirt to her face, "I'm going to have to go in and shut all the windows until whoever it is has finished producing the foulest food I've ever had the misfortune to smell !"

"How can they do it ? Don't they realise that NO-one should have to suffer THAT ? What COULD it possibly be ?"

She got up and after a couple of seconds with her head next to our open window quietly said, "Oh, it's our dinner ! I forgot that I didn't have any tomato puree and put a jar of black olive tapinard in the casserole !"

It tasted of pure salty bitterness when I ate it with gratitude a little later, clearing my plate and belching affectionately....and I can't taste anything either !

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