Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Yes Illinois, I know I haven't written a Blog for weeks but I have been and am just so busy making leather bags and purses for my stall that that's all I do for every waking minute of every day !

But yesterday I went to my eight year old's Nativity Play and my goat was got !

I had to sign a form that made me promise not to publish any photos or videos I took to the internet !


Well it's something to do with preventing divorced or separated or social-service-removed parents perhaps seeing their child on screen when they're not supposed to know where they are or some other codswallop !


Or perhaps it's because pedophiles might be scanning all the Nativity Play films put on Facebook to catch a glimpse of a plastic doll !

Who knows but it drives me MAD !

One of life's great pleasures is watching your children and grandchildren taking part in these things and naturally you want to photo and video everything and show everyone and you CAN'T !

I'm so scared of having accusations of molestation fired at me that I hardly lift my eyes from the floor in case some over-zealous teacher or CCTV camera spies me watching somebody else's child sing !

So here's the solution...firstly dress all the children in large brown paper bags with tiny eye holes and then do the same with the audience or better still cancel all Nativity Plays or even better than that force ALL adults to be sterilized so that no-one can ever have children and then there won't be any need for schools and Nativity Plays !

Of course spacemen from another Planet will one day arrive here and try to work out why the human race suddenly ceased to exist !

Well I'm going to print out this Blog and seal it in a 'time-capsule' in my back garden with a big arrow  pointing at the burial spot  with a shovel placed conveniently nearby and they'll find it and if you can spare a moment you can just see the scene in your mind's eye....there'll be a group of them standing around listening to one of them reading this and they all be saying, " Are you serious ? Is this a joke ? They weren't allowed to WHAT ?

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