I went on my own to see the critically acclaimed film 1917 this afternoon !
Shirley didn't want to go and although she suggest I waited until I could take Dylan, 14. I told her that there was no way I could relax and enjoy a serious film with him eating beside me for two hours solid because that is what he does at the cinema !
Actually everyone seems to these days and I suppose they have to if they are to maintain their morbid obesities !
I instantly sensed amateurism, that is within one minute and hated every following stupid CGI moment in it...so DON'T GO...OK ?
Bombs do NOT land and explode two feet behind, beside or in front of you and leave you running, they blow you to pieces and aeroplanes do not crash at your feet and leave you to go the well for a helmetful of water !
You do NOT jump into a river in full spate, get carried hundreds of yards downstream, come up for air for the fifieth time and three quarters dead go over a two hundred foot waterfall flowing at a similar rate to Niagara Falls in full spate, come up again and swim leisurely to the riverbank before climbing over a hundred rotting corpses and start running again after joining in a particularly annoying hymn about someone's MOTHER whilst your heavy twill uniform miraculously dries out...DO YOU ?
That might very well be my last visit to the flicks !