Thursday, 16 November 2017


Apparently, according to the 'pe' which appears under my Blogs I'm now registered in PERU so how has THAT happened !

Does someone with a farm full of Llamas now 'own' me !

Answers to my email on if you have any idea whatsoever !

Thursday, 2 November 2017


It's taking MONTHS for my dentist to work through his latest plans for me and he dismissed a niggling pain in an upper rear monster as being insignificant, though I KNEW it wasn't !

So it niggled and it niggled until three days ago when the pain became UNBEARABLE just after I'd returned to Scotland, after having gone back home to do a market !

Shirley and I have different pain thresholds and I would be writhing on the floor before she'd even noticed a tingle so she wasn't terribly happy when I suggested I HAD to get help before my jaw exploded and I died !

"Well you're not DRIVING back because Julian wants to come over for golf and cycling up Kirroughtree ! Why didn't you just stay at home and get the emergency appointment on Monday ? I would have been alright on my own for ONE more night ! After all we spend more time apart these days than together !"

Now when you're in REAL pain, the sort that stops you breathing and prevents clear thinking, the LAST thing you need is a LACK OF SYMPATHY !

I took myself to bed only to be woken within the hour by Shirley bursting in with a list of bus and train times to get me home and several alternative lists in case the first one didn't work out !

"Are you listening David ? DAVID !"


"You get up at 6:50 and by the time you've shaved and had a cup of tea your bus will be at the stop a half mile away ! Now I'll do you a banana sandwich to take which I'll make now although it'll be black by the time you eat it and I'll put in two more unpeeled ones for the train, right ?"

I was by this time semi-comatosed with pain and grunted my acceptance !

"The bus'll take just over an hour and as long as it's on time and you can get through to the dentist once you get to the train station they open at 8:45 and you'll just have time to book the emergency slot before you get the train OK ? I'm giving you MY phone as yours doesn't work and you'd better not lose it right ?"


"IF the bus gets in late and you miss the train there's another one in an hour OK ?"


"But if the dentist CAN'T see you you'll have to wait 'til 10:37 for a bus back here right ?"


"If you DO get the train, it's straight through to The Metro Centre where if you run you'll be able to get the 'Valley 10' to Eldon Square where if you run again you'll be able to get the X9 home OK ?"


"You'll have to cycle to the dentist and depending on what time you get out and whether or not you have had an extraction and have taken these two bags of Halloween Maoams to Gemma's (who remarked on how pain brought a remarkably corpse-like quality to my face !) or just go home to rest you HAVE to get the X9 back to Julian's by 8 so he can drive you back here for a couple of days cycling and golf OK ?"


"Now repeat all that so I know you know what you're doing !"
